Over the weekend, Massively ran a story on the ongoing saga with the Australian-owned World Stock Exchange in Second Life. I contacted Luke Connell (SL: LukeConnell Vandeverre) via IM in-world and asked for further clarification on the ongoing delays with the relaunch. His response was as follows:
[4:19] LukeConnell Vandeverre: Hi, no date yet but we are getting much closer . Anshe launched her exchange ages ago and it hardly gained any traction in the market. This will be a new launch if she does it again however the market technology hasn’t changed much. I am not focused on her market at all.
If nothing else, Luke Connell is excellent at maintaining his PR line. Chung has comparatively huge financial backing and if her company decided to expand its push into virtual world finance, you’d have to think she’d have some impact on the field. Anshe Chung has been a significant investor in the World Stock Exchange previously so it’ll be interesting to see what future moves play out.
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