The Metaverse Journal is a site devoted to bringing an Australian perspective to virtual worlds. Launched in November 2006, we believe that virtual worlds at the very least may bring a new approach to internet-based interaction, and we want to cover their evolution. Virtual worlds may provide some of society\’s biggest opportunities and greatest challenges in coming years – it\’s an area worth keeping informed about.
David Holloway (SL: Lowell Cremorne) – Founder and Editor
Lowell\’s real-world typist is technology writer David Holloway. He has been involved with virtual worlds since heavy use of a MOO in 1993. David consults to business, government and media on virtual worlds (contact David for further information) and is currently writing a book on the topic.
Contact David in Second Life via IM (to Lowell Cremorne) , use our contact form, or drop a line via Facebook or Twitter.
Tateru Nino – Senior Writer
Tateru has been writing about virtual worlds since 2006 and has writing credits at Massively, Second Life Insider and New World Notes to name three. Based in Melbourne, Tateru has an innate talent in grasping the power of worlds like Second Life and reports on that power in an incisive, objective way.
Contact Tateru in Second Life via IM , or use our contact form
Anastasia Vesperman (SL: Feldspar Epstein) – Writer at large
Anastasia has a rich and varied history. Based in Melbourne, her areas of knowledge span computing and programming, music, culture and the arts, education, and a whole host of other bits and pieces. She has been a user of MMOs for over 10 years. She has an abiding love of frogs, insects and spiders, and all things gothic.
Contact Anastasia in Second Life via IM (to Feldspar Epstein) , or use our contact form
We\’d like to hear from anyone who has Australian-specific events to promote in-world, or even just a heads-up on something new and interesting happening. We cover business, health, education and anything in-between. Check our FAQ for specifics
The Metaverse Journal
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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
The Metaverse Journal is a publication of Creative Shed Services ABN: 64 969 281 861