

Since late 2006 we\’ve provided commentary on virtual worlds to a wide range of media outlets, including:

1. The Sydney Morning Herald / The Age (Second Life and Australia) – ( Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4).

2. The Australian (Second Life and Australia)

3. Computerworld (Second Life and Australia)

4. ABC Melbourne (Mornings with Red Symons – four appearances to date reporting on Second Life)

5. Crikey.com.au (Regular pieces on virtual worlds and politics / business / sexuality)

6. National Nine News (commentary on story on ageplay controversy in Second Life)

7. Digital Media (Second Life for business)

8. BRW Magazine (Virtual worlds for entrepreneurs)

9. ABC Radio Australia – Tech Stream (Virtual world currencies)

10. ABC Radio National – Future Tense (Second Life\’s success vs media perceptions)

11. 2DayFM – Kyle and Jackie O Show (Second Life generally, relationships and sex)

Media outlets seeking interviews / comment should use our contact form.