

Why advertise with us?

At present, The Metaverse Journal is one of Australia’s highest traffic sites on virtual worlds. Traffic-wise we’ve been in the top 500K sites worldwide for more than two years.

If you’re interested in advertising on The Metaverse Journal, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs further. Check our standard offers below. We can offer more substantive advertising on application. As of June 2011 our click-through rate (CTR) is just under 3% for the small banners and higher for the large banners.

Small banner advertising

One 125 x 125 pixel small banner in the right sidebar will cost you $10 per week with discounts for purchasing over the longer term.

Text Link Advertising

We offer text link ads that appear under the ‘Machinima of the Week’ section at the top right. To sign up for one, go here and register. Cost depends on the popularity / number of queued users. This is a good first advertising option if you’re on a small budget or concerned about what traffic we’ll drive to you.

Large banner advertising

This large banner is on the home page, at the top right and is 468×60 pixels. We can have slightly larger banners in that space without a lot of issues. This costs $50 per month / $130 per 3 months.

Contact us to discuss your needs.

An added bonus is that part of your investment will go to help others.