
Ballet in Second Life: Archidance

I’m an absolute heathen when it comes to dance, particularly ballet. That said, I was pretty impressed with this short piece of machinima. Ignoring the artistic merits, I hadn’t thought of what a brilliant choreography tool virtual worlds could be. I consider myself enlightened now.

Apparently Ballet Pixelle’s Archidance was performed back in June, wish I’d seen it. Have a look for yourself:

[via Indigo Mertel]

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  • http://eastrivercommunity.posterous.com/ Indigo Mertel

    Thank you for sharing my post and for the credit. The folks at Ballet Pixelle deserve all the exposure they can get. This ballet company has been active in Second Life since 2006, producing all the coreography and scenography of each show.

    You can still see the show. Check their calendar: http://balletpixelle.org/calendar.html