Quantcast Health Care - Second Life Style : The Metaverse Journal - Australia’s Virtual World News Service

Health Care - Second Life Style

January 30, 2007

The issue of Addiction in Second Life has been discussed previously, but there’s a much wider scope in Second Life for the issue of health. Ask any health professional what their definition of health is and you’ll get a very different answer every time. The World Health Organisation states that: “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”, and that’s as good a definition as you’ll find.

Even though health is so much more than hospitals, they deserve a mention. As of now, there are no Australian health services with a presence in SL, hospital or otherwise. At an international level, finding health services in-world tends to lead to things like Danvers State Hospital (pictured), which is offering themed rental like no other. There is also a real-life Danvers Insane Asylum and neither particularly help to remove the stereotype of mental health care options. Add to that groups like the Fake Doctors Association and the colourful side of the equation is well serviced.

Support for Healing Island (pictured) is a well known support service for anyone wanting to talk about an issue, but otherwise there’s very little around that I’ve come across as yet.

Is this due to lack of R&D funds for health services to investigate innovative ways of delivering health care or a general lack of awareness and understanding? The Education sector leads the way in this area, with health lagging, at best. The Australian scene is even less evolved and the University
sector will probably need to lead the way if any real progress is to be made.

One other thing - we love being proved wrong at SLOz - if you know of health services in-world that we’ve missed, we’d love to hear about them.

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One Response to “Health Care - Second Life Style”

  1. Kathryn Greenhill on January 31st, 2007 12:18 am

    Healthinfo Island has a consumer health library, a Medical Library for practitioners and a Medical Centre. Among many, many projects, they are compiling a list of all support/self-help groups in SL.

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